Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Can't Get Enough Vintage Clothing?

If (like me) you can never have enough vintage clothes, and (like many people) you're looking for a way to get some extra cash, maybe now's the time to start your own vintage clothing business. Whether you sell on Ebay or in your own store, The Clothing Warehouse is the best vintage clothing wholesaler around. Head on over and check it out!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Happy Christmas

Well, it's that time of year again, and we're thrilled to announce that we're participating in not one but TWO holiday shows: this weekend's Unique Los Angeles Holiday Show (check us out on the amazing flyers!) and next weekend's Bust Holiday Craftacular.

Unique Los Angeles Holiday Show
December 5 & 6, 11am-6pm
California Market Center
110 East 9th St.

Bust Holiday Craftacular
December 12, 10am-6pm
The Echo & Echoplex
1822 W Sunset Blvd.

Check out both shows for fabulous vendors, great food and drinks, DJs, free stuff, and more! Plus we'll be offering huge discounts and new and unseen designs. You won't want to miss it!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

This is the day!

At long last, this is the official launch of the Good Friday Designs website! I'm absolutely in love with the way it turned out, and I have two main people to thank - web designer extraordinaire JP Morgan ( and graphic designer Kristin Cofer of Hiss & Hearse ( I can honestly say that without either of them it would not have been possible.

To celebrate the launch, we're offering 20% off everything in the shop! So what are you waiting for? Take a look around and let me know what you think!

Monday, September 7, 2009

POOL Party

First off, I have to apologize for things being so quiet around here recently. I spent weeks frantically making as much jewelry as I could, and then close to a week in Vegas for my first appearance at POOL Trade Show! POOL is part of Magic, the biggest fashion trade show in the country, so it was a bit overwhelming, but also super exciting. The show was a huge success, meaning that Good Friday Designs jewelry can now be found in many more retail stores all across the country (and even in Canada!).

Check back in a couple days for the official launch of our website, a complete list of retail stores where you can find the jewelry, and a big site-wide sale!

Thursday, August 6, 2009


Check out the Holy Ghost necklace from Good Friday Designs on the Modlife Blog's Unisexy Post! It's one of a series of charm necklaces I made using vintage religious charms and sterling silver chain, all inspired by the Day of the Dead. Unisexy, indeed.

Read: Modlife
Shop: Modcloth
Listen to Obsessively (If you're anything like me):
Bon Iver, Skinny Love
The Avett Brothers: I Would Be Sad
Portugal. The Man: Created

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Free Bird

Inspired by Etsy is a fabulous blog that features handmade and one of a kind items from, presented in gorgeous inspiration boards grouped around a particular theme. I'm thrilled that my Free Bird Necklace was included in the most recent post. If you're ever in need of a little style inspiration, check out Inspired by Etsy and all the fabulous featured items!

Read: Inspired by Etsy
Buy: Free Bird Necklace
Listen: Lynyrd Skynyrd

Monday, July 27, 2009

Origin Story

I get asked a lot about why I chose the name Good Friday Designs. Most people ask if I'm Catholic, which I suppose I should have expected but honestly never occurred to me. The truth is, whenever I'm in need of ideas I look to my ITunes. Music is a huge source of inspiration to me, and naming my business was no exception. I came up with a few ideas based on song titles and lyrics, but ultimately I had to go with a song from my favorite band, CocoRosie. Good Friday isn't even my favorite song by them - that honor would have to go to Japan, or Noah's Ark, or By Your Side, or... well, you get the idea. I'm not the type of person to have favorites, probably because I'm terrible with decisions - I've never had a favorite color, book, or food - but somehow CocoRosie's music is the one thing I'm always sure of.

Most people I meet aren't familiar with them, which I'm sure they regret after they have to listen to me rave about them for awhile. CocoRosie is two sisters, Bianca and Sierra Rose Casady, who were born and raised across America but now live in Paris where they run a gallery/ tea shop and their own record label. The one time I was lucky enough to see them in concert was probably the closest thing I've ever had to a spiritual experience, but unfortunately they've been touring around Europe for what feels like forever. I don't know what it is about their music that I love so much, but I think maybe it's just that the juxtaposition of hip hop and opera, femininity and androgyny, dirty words and children's toys, is exactly what I try to embody in the things I create.


Good Friday Fan Video
CocoRosie on Myspace
Official Site